When you invite me to capture your maternity, newborn, and family experiences, I know you’re sharing your heart with me. Through my photos, I share my heart with you, too.
Continually improving my client experience is a top priority! Some years that comes in new products I offer, other years it may be in expanding my photography education. Two years ago it was with a CRM, and not just any CRM. I improve client experience with Honeybook. HoneyBook is a CRM, or Client Relationship Management software, that helps independent business owners to manage projects from start to finish in one place. I’m able to utilize templates I created to keep myself from writing client emails and creating proposals in bed at midnight. The best part is that it gives my clients one place to access everything they need to work with me- all of our communications, links, calendar reminders, invoices, and contracts are in one place!
Before I found Honeybook client’s would inquire about a session with me via my business email. I would then need to reply with a quick joyful response and ask a whole bunch of questions:
Once they responded, I would then need to formulate another email in regards to my pricing, based on the answers to the above questions. Then the client would respond via email when they were prepared to move forward. Finally, I would need to go into a contract website I was using to customize and send a digital contract to my client, and then I would head over to Paypal to send a Paypal invoice to the client for payment. I’ve now communicated with my client via several different email threads and sent them to TWO separate website links for contract and payment.
The old way of onboarding clients was exhausting for me. I was always hunting for emails from clients to see if I could find their invoice, their contract, or the email where they told me their kids’ names and ages. I knew that if I was exhausted and finding it hard to track down information, then my clients were most definitely feeling it too. It was obvious I needed a change before I dropped the ball for something really important.
With Honeybook I can create an inquiry form that is embedded on my Showit website, custom email templates, and the perfect client workflow for every type of service I offer. Moreover, I can customize all of my invoices, contracts, brochures, and client communications with my business branding. Best of all, my new client onboarding process is smooth as butter*:
*the only time I had to jump in and work to onboard a client is highlighted in this color.
Anytime I, or my client, need to reference our communication, contract, or payments we can do so with ease via Honeybook! Everything is in one spot. And the best part, for every service I offer I’ve created a specific workflow (automation) to remind me of what I need to do to prepare for my client’s session. Honeybook sends me reminders and I’m always on the ball. My clients are blown away by the ease of booking and all the attention to detail. And, I’m on cloud nine knowing I don’t have to keep all the details stored in my head because it’s all in Honeybook.
I have the BEST NEWS for you… I have a link for 50% off HoneyBook for your first year! Not only that, but I’ll also share my client questionnaire with you- the exact one I send to my clients. You get this for FREE when you sign up! This questionnaire will help you be better prepared to serve your clients with love. So grab another cup of coffee and link over to HoneyBook to see for yourself!
If you have any questions about how you can improve client experience with Honeybook, be sure to leave them in the comments below. I’m happy to answer them! I’m here for you in this photography business journey and I’m ready to cheer you on! If you want more one-on-one guidance you can inquiry about a personal mentor session with me too. I look forward to connecting friends!
Serving Scottsdale, Phoenix, Paradise Valley, Tempe & Mesa
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